The Region newsletter hit a snag recently. Mainly, it hasn't been too much of a priority, so it may or may not be published in time for distribution at the Region meeting. I'm no longer asking for anyone to step up to be the editor because I think it may all be falling on deaf ears anyway. It'll be published so long as I find the time or someone offers, but I don't see that in the future.
Gas is down, economy is down, attendance is down, motivation is down, membership is down, and communication is down. I hope not only do the delegates bring their complaints, but also their suggestions on how to help turn it around throughout the sport. Clubs and Associations all over the U.S. are in a state of upheaval, and now is not the time to throw in the towel, quit, or start yet another organization that suits your needs.
Now is the time to put your head down, buck the trends, face the wind, and help guide us through the changes that need to be made.
The next EC4WDA Northeast Region (D) meeting will be held at EVB in Danbury CT. I've posted the agenda and details on the EC4WDA forum for all the club delegates to distribute as needed. I'm looking forward to this meeting as it'll set the tone for the Association meeting in November as well as 2009 (and perhaps beyond that).