Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What about private land?

I try not to delve into Land Use at all (Dave covers it quite enough) , but today I will a little.

We're seeing alot of groups ready to get out scouting for new trails and roads this spring, but let's not forget our private property land owners!
When your club goes out looking at a road or one you may have found on a map, remember to look around the area for posted signs away from the road. Many times, these signs (should) have contact information on the owner. Head back to your computer and see if the town or county has a GIS site and try to find the acreage and, in some cases, more info on the property owner. Contact your club president or land use guy and let him know what's up, and spread the word that you may have a property worth contacting. If it's not already a part of our database, go ahead make the move! It's a difficult call to make, like cold calling sales, but the worst thing to happen is they slam the phone down. The best thing? Well, there are ALOT of good things that can happen. If you don't feel comfortable making the initial contact, let someone in on it. We'll certainly help you because it'll definitely help us. Plus, many clubs give free membership for the time the landowner allows the club access!
So get out there and check out the trails, but remember to check the posted signs!

I had thought a great way to promote attendance at our Association meeting in November would be to charter a bus. Well, it's a tad cost prohibitive, so we'll be looking at other ways to make the trip a little more enticing.

This Saturday, March 15th we'll be in Worcester, MA for a second "summit" meeting between your elected reps of EC4WDA-D and the NEA4WDA. Some items we'll hit are NETMaP tweaks, Coy Hill, Ma Bell, some private land issues, signs on the trails, and advertising/PR campaigns.

There's more, but gotta run for now.