The North East Trails Maintenance Program, or NETMaP, is being tested on the Gutter this year. This is a work in progress and strictly voluntary. However, we strongly encourage clubs to follow it so we can figure out how to tweak it as we go and apply it to other areas. If you have any questions on how it works or what this means to you, email me.
The Gutter is private property and actively managed timberland. The public is welcome and recreation will continue to be allowed if:
1) Private property rights are respected;
2) No natural resources are removed or damaged
3) No dumping or vandalism occurs
4) No long term camping takes place
5) Motorized vehicles don’t harm culvert and road systems
We have obtained permission to travel this land and recognize the importance of the Tread Lightly! principles. Please exercise care and common sense when recreating here. Also respect the rights of ALL other trail users including hikers, equestrians, snowmobiles, etc. DO NOT travel away from the power line trail at any time. Our goal is to maintain this property for the public to enjoy for many generations to come.
If you have any questions, concerns, or observe any form of vandalism, do not hesitate to contact our Land Manager, Paul Regish via email at
*Please try to limit your club runs here to one run per year. Please understand that there are 30+ other clubs in New England that all wheel here therefore it will be traveled almost every other week. We are asking all the clubs to try to limit their runs.
*When entering the trail via the road (proper) DO NOT travel up the stream bed or anywhere else there is soft mud or stream banks. Please travel in a southerly direction perpendicular andstraight across the stream bed towards the first obstacle.
*Traveling the "washout" section above the first landing is acceptable, this is not a stream bed but seasonal water washed out section. The hard rock bed will not degrade any further.*The southern end of the trail before the first road crossing consists of multiple private landowners who do not want any travel to disperse from the powerline. Please DO NOT travel down any trails perpendicular to the power line. These trails more than likely have gates and signs posted.
*This land is private land and it is NOT yours, please have complete respect for other trail users including but not limited to: hikers, birdwatchers, bicyclists, ATVers, hunters, and snowmobilers.
*Please observe Tread Lightly! principles at all times.
*If you are ever questioned or confronted by another trail user regarding your being there, calmly explain to them that you have proper verbal permission from the landowner that you can be there under the auspices of the NEA4WDC and EC4WDA. Never become confrontational on the trail and always use your best judgment and professionalism to diffuse any confrontations with others.
Also, check out the Friends of Coy Hill site, a collaboration of regional clubs and the two prominent 4WD Associations here in the Northeast.