Monday, April 28, 2008

Hand outs and more quick hits!!!

There's alot of things on the table right now after attending the Association meetings and then the Region meetings a week later.

The Economic Assessment, somewhat in a state of disarray, is now back on track to be completed within few months.

Hand outs at the Region meeting:

The Region Newsletter was handed out in hardcopy to all the club delegates at the Region meeting April 20th. It's also online at

Our 2008 Jeep Raffle tickets were distributed at the meeting, so contact your club presidents to get your tickets. They're only $5.00 each and just 8000 will be sold!

***Club presidents, please return the stubs and money to me at PO BOX 1546, South Glens Falls, NY 12803 or during upcoming Region meetings***

Membership directories were handed out also to club representatives. Contact your club president if you didn't get yours. Also, we have stickers but were unable to get them out to everybody, so at the next meeting we'll be sure to have those again.

Dave had an informational "Trails in Trouble" DVD for distribution to all EC4WDA clubs.

At the Association meeting, we discussed the need for more advertising on behalf of our sport, and Barry Kellerman mentioned that EC will pursue creating, producing, or distributing an informational video on the basics of 4 wheeling.

The Association newsletter looks like it'll get a major makeover as well. Look for that next issue soon!

Bruce Conroy has stepped up to lead our Trailfest 2008 Team. Questions and volunteers can contact him for more information at Subject: TRAILFEST

With the difficulties of getting and keeping good leaders in place for our clubs and our Region, we're going to be creating a Region and club-specific leadership course or seminar to begin next year. Many times when club elections occur, an often heard reply to "Why don't you run?" is "I don't know what to do or expect." Hopefully we'll get some interest in attending and the people who have experience as club and/or region representatives will step up to help shape the next generation of leaders.

Now that Trail Season is in high gear, remember to be smart, drive safely, and stay legal! See you out there!