To update since October, we've had our Association meeting in Pennsylvania. Representing the Northeast Region, I went there with the issues that are pressing our region the hardest; land and money. Here's the text of the speech I gave for those that haven't seen it yet;
The winds of change are blowing.We're continually striving to make sure our clubs are getting the most they can for the dues they pay, and remember that YOU are EC4WDA and by helping other clubs, all clubs benefit.
Throughout the world economies are crippled and with that, every aspect of our lives is affected. This past year we’ve witnessed first hand what it’s doing to our beloved past time; membership numbers are dropping, volunteer hours falling off, even whole clubs ready to implode. It’s been a year where our Region has been hurt by the economy in such a way that members are now looking harder than ever at how far their dues go and for what. We’re thinking far outside the box now, trying to appeal to the needs of the members, beyond the recreation itself.
Since last year when I spoke, the Northeast Region has instituted numerous changes and policies that I think have begun to create a much more appealing organization. Mentioned in the spring report, we’ve cataloged each club’s trail ride schedule into a Region calendar. This makes it much easier to track trail usage and find club conflicts, easing over-crowding on the few trails we have. We’ve co-created a new website with the Northeast Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs, called the North East Trails and Roads Coalition (or NETRoC). This website is set up to help foster good relations between the two Associations, create non-binding trail policy, and disseminate trail and land action alerts much faster than before.
At the Region’s October meeting we implemented many new changes for the immediate and long term future of our organization. Beginning with a comprehensive, first ever budget projection, we outlined our income and expenses to the end of 2009 to help format what we’re able to do and what our financial needs would be. This is the backbone of our programs, yet still flexible in its format.
We’ve created a Club Insurance Subsidy Program whereby EC4WDA Northeast will subsidize $100 toward the purchase of general liability insurance for individual clubs. Anticipating matching funds from our parent organization, we’ll be making insurance a reality for many uninsured clubs throughout the Northeast.
We’ve instituted a partial refund policy for clubs based on trail scheduling and availability. In a nutshell, if a club gets bumped from the schedule through no fault of their own, they’ll get a partial refund of their Region dues.
To create more of an interest in keeping these dates available and possibly allowing more runs, our Region has created a Trail Point of Contact/Club Incentive Program, giving cash back to the people who work at obtaining property permission, cutting the trails, and keeping the landowners happy.
Beginning in 2010, EC4WDA Northeast Region (D) will be offering to its members and immediate family members a College Scholarship Program. While details will be worked out during 2009, we hope to award the first $500 scholarship to one lucky recipient in early 2010 and help with one of the most important, yet most expensive parts of our lives.
The most difficult issues facing our Region are retention, land, and of course money. With an organization such as the NEA operating in the Northeast also, we face the challenge of making our Region the best it can be if we want to retain our member clubs. With a dues structure that’s equal to our Region dues, yet 64% cheaper than our overall EC4WDA dues, even if we offered the exact things the NEA offers we’re being “out-priced” by our “competitor”. The only way to change this is to better our product, of which I’ve already described, or lower our dues across the board to stay relative.
A combination of both would be ideal. Our priority shouldn’t be membership numbers, the total clubs under our umbrella, nor the amount of money in our coffers. It’s about being the best Association we can be. Financially affordable, offering as much as we can with the manpower and money we have, and keeping it enjoyable. Focus on the members more, on our volunteers more, and especially our sponsors, instead of so much on luring potential members and clubs into our organization. Make our current members excited to be here and potential members will notice. Doing that, the Association sells itself and we all win.
Steven J. Alheim
Chairman – EC4WDA Northeast Region (D)
The next Region meeting is being held January 18th at EVB in Danbury, CT from 10am to 2pm. JT4x4 is scheduled to bring breakfast and I'll have an agenda posted on the forum by the end of the month.
REMEMBER: We'll be doing our Trail Lottery at the January meeting. Open dates for private property will be posted THIS WEEK.
Steve A.